Eyes Wide Shut


Ghite paints states of mind and uses her art to evoke moments from her own life narrative.

“Eyes Wide Shut “ collection is centred around an incendiary combination of words: women and power.

In her life journey, the artist learned to balance the two sides of the coin and act from her authentic self . For Ghite, power is about presence and the confidence emerging from self acceptance. She found an ocean of power in love and surrounding herself with good energy that brings out her creativity and helps everyone around experience empowerment and freedom.

 The second source of inspiration for the artist is the ancient culture of ”Cucuteni” , which represents the oldest and highest human creativity form related to a time prior to the pyramids. Seven thousand five hundred years old the ”Cucuteni ” culture was situated in North Romania and South Ucraina. A large number of sculptures and figurines depicting female forms was found.  Archaeologists believe that this ancient civilization worshipped goddesses, their culture was matriarchal, resulting in women holding positions of power. The design of the figurines shows a high level of artful play and seriousness, great skills in ceramics and plenty of imagination in combining different geometrically patterns and paints for decorations.

 The characters in Eyes Wide Shot collection are enigmatic, powerful and shy in the same time.


